Alright -Get crackin!

Written by Endless Eye on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 8:57 PM

We are excited and you should be too! Writing a script is a really fun task. It requires you to pay close attention to your message. I think that is the hardest part -staying true to your message. But you're all smart and if you are getting stuck, use this blog to get help from all of us. And remember, narrative elements are going to really stylize your piece so use em! What are some of the narrative elements in Joe's Documentary? Do they support his message?

OK. Good luck, God bless, and if you need any help. Use the BLOG!



1 Responses to "Alright -Get crackin!"

Comment by fnnyhow11
February 21, 2008 at 5:07 PM #

hey hows it going
i'm still deadlocked about how exaclty to start, i mean i know what I want in the doc, i just don't know how or where to start...its the doc about DRUGS...
AHA! now you know what I mean.

About Kids and Docs

Kids and Docs is this cool new thing we are doing that let's kids see documentaries by local filmmakers and encourages them to make their own.